Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Curious about Fish Pickle of Kerala? 

It is locally called Meenachaar (Meen=fish+Achaar=pickle) . We can use different types of fishes in making this tasty, mouth watering dish. However, it is best to use fish with good muscles because the flesh will be strong.

All over the world, people are asking me for Kerala's fish pickle whenever  I have a gentle conversation with them. Sometimes I even prepared the dish for them at their home also.

In market, normally we cannot get good pieces in pickle and it contains more gravies. Therefore people start looking directly at Kerala home's kitchen. 

But how to connect with Kerala ladies?? terrible, i know. But do not worry, there is a best short cut for that(not to look at kerala women,but to get fish pickle from them). You can visit, where they connect Kerala women who make this Kerala fish pickle to you people.

Since, LiveAs looks for sustainable business, they are not charging much, and the quality is exceptional because it is like Mom is specially preparing for her child who is going far from home.

So no waste of time, get good quality hard muscular marine fish from western coast with big big pieces. 
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